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The spirit realms are calling. Are you ready to hear - and share - what they have to say?
Across the world so many people are reporting an awakening of their spiritual senses; of deeper parts of themselves and all that they are connected to, and are speaking freely about the many blessings - and challenges - that brings.
For so many of us, the world is opening up further than we ever thought possible as what was once unheard and unseen moves closer and closer to our awareness.
Yet for too many people, connecting to spirit seems difficult, leaving them to wonder whether it was even possible for all along.
So what do you need to turn that awareness into true connection?
To be able to truly trust the guidance you receive for yourself, and maybe even the insight you receive for others?
To remove the doubt so that you can connect to your guides as easily as you do your physical friends and colleagues?
To take away the fear so that you can connect safely and comfortably with spirit on your terms?
And to move into a place of flow with your spiritual connection that allows you to embrace and embody your Soul’s natural connections every day without feeling scared, overwhelmed or daunted by what you find there?
For some, the answers to those questions seem impossible to find, leaving them wondering if they are in some way blocked or don’t have access to the “gift” that old-paradigm mediums would speak of.
But as someone who has supported hundreds of people to develop their own spiritual connection over the years, that’s something I call bullshit on. Because I promise that every single one of us has the innate ability to connect potently, beautifully and safely to the unseen realms in a way that truly allows our connections to open.
I believe our spiritual connection is as natural to us as breathing. And that, as long as we have support, guidance, and dedication to recall and reconnect with our own path, we can embrace the possibility of that connection in the fullest and most beautiful way possible.
Which is why I invite you to join me as you become your own bridge to the unseen.
Why work with me?
I’m Ceryn, Medium, Therapist, Writer, and Guide.
I’ve connected with the Spirit realms for as long as I can remember – my parents tell a great story about a two-year-old me chatting happily to someone nobody else could see as we walked by the beach one day.
But I’m not alone in that. Whether we remember it or not, connection to spirit is natural for all of us as children.
The only difference between me and so many others is that I grew up in a spiritually open family, where that connection was supported rather than feared, ignored or shamed.
Still though I was scared. After waking up as a child to find someone I didn't know standing in my bedroom, I spent years trying to close down my own connection, until I learned how to build the firm foundations of my spiritual practice that would keep me safe and protected in my work, no matter what anyone else said.
When I learned how to develop my spiritual connection safely, effectively, and on my own terms, that’s when things really opened up for me. And that’s why I’m determined to change the ways that we work with our connections. Not just in the world, but for you personally.
It led me to begin practicing as a medium over two decades ago, and in 2015 I wrote a book – the Teen Spirit Guide to Working with Mediumship, before I began teaching connection both individually and in group settings.
I now offer Soul Integration Readings, which my clients say are the most comprehensive and mind-blowing readings they have ever received; providing them with the kind of evidential proof they didn't believe possible, and with the deep and powerful guidance that supports and reassures them through even the toughest of times.
I firmly believe we can all do this. More, I believe that our ancestors, guides, and others in the spiritual realms want us to do this, and are standing in wait for us to connect.
Just as soon as we step up to remember how.
Are you ready to take that step?
Are you ready to take that step?
Be The Bridge is a nine-week programme combining live online practical sessions with self-led learning and connection materials, all aimed at enabling you to embrace the fullness of your spiritual connection.
During our time together we will:
Dive deeply with protection and intention setting practice when it comes to working with spirit, to ensure that you and anyone you work with is entirely safe and protected whenever you connect to the unseen realms;
Investigate and practice potent ways of connecting in and closing down from different spiritual vibrations to enable you to set boundaries with spirit and ensure that you and your energies are safe and protected at all times;
Build and strengthen the connections between you and your Spirit Guides and Helpers so that you go into this work with the certainty that you are never, ever alone;
Experiment with the spiritual senses to help you both understand and expand your own connection in order to work with spirit in the ways that feel right for you;
Safely explore different types of mediumship, including psychometry, channelling, automatic writing and more so that you can gain deeper insights and connection in whatever ways work best for you;
Journey deeply with the signs, symbols and other messages your spirit team use to communicate with you to support you in interpreting those clearly and freely;
Look at how best to honour your connection for the good of yourself, your guides, and anyone you may choose to work with.
Alongside eight workshops we will also be running live group sessions offering you the opportunity to try this out for yourself and meaning that, at every step you will be supported not only by spirit but by me and a community of other developing connectors.
The details
Be The Bridge begins on Wednesday, 19th October at 7.00 pm UK-time (11.00 PT/ 14.00 ET). Although we will be running weekly sessions for nine weeks following that date, there will be a one-week break on Wednesday 2nd November. Each session will last for 90 minutes, with the final session taking place on Wednesday, 21st December.
The course costs £444 (approximately $514 USD) at the time of writing. Payment is available either up-front, or in installments of just £55.50 ($64.25) per week over eight weeks.
Or, book by 14th October and pay just £333 ($386), or in weekly installments of £41.63 ($48.21) over eight weeks.
Want to take your journey even deeper? Once you've booked your spot on the course, you can order a Soul Integration Reading and/or one-to-one sessions with me at a specially discounted price.
If you would like to be part of the course please do act fast; as this is the first time Be The Bridge has run in this format, numbers will be capped to guarantee a truly intimate space for everyone involved.
Ready to book your spot?
You can do that now by clicking on the links below!
Frequently asked questions
I've never done this before, how can I be sure I can connect to spirit?
I have some experience of connecting with spirit, is this the course for me?
Although I want to deepen my connection, I'm unsure if I want to read for others - is this the right course for me?
Why is the course taking place online and not in person, is that safe?
I would like to order a reading from you and/or one or more one-to-one sessions alongside the course, how do I do that?
The cost of the course feels challenging to me at the moment, what can I do?
Have another question?
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