Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
As a white, cisgender, able-bodied woman I benefit from many privileges within the world; privileges that other people currently do not have and which mean that, for all too long, I have been complicit in a system of white supremacist cisheteronormative ableist patriarchy.
Despite calling myself an ally to Black people, Indigenous People and People of Colour; to the LGBTQIA+ community, the Disabled community and other marginalised groups, the simple fact is that in the past I have not done enough.
Moving forwards, that changes.
This page outlines my pledge around Diversity, Inclusion and Equity, and what I am doing and intend to do in order to further support marginalised communities and provide safer and more inclusive spaces for people who identify within those groups.
Further down the page you will also find links to some of the resources I have found most beneficial so far on this journey of unlearning and re-education – a list that will continue to be updated as my own work in this area continues.
Finally, although I provide a safe, welcoming and supportive space for all clients, I recognise that the work of therapy can be challenging, particularly when it comes to working with personal trauma, and that some individuals may wish to work with a therapist who has firsthand experience of the oppression they have personally faced. Further down this page you will find details of fellow Therapists who identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, LGBTQIA+ or Disabled. This list is iterative and should always be growing; if you are a therapist who wishes to be included here or you know of a therapist you would like to see on this list, please contact me.
Diversity, Inclusion and Equity pledge
As a white, cisgender woman in the West, I recognise that I benefit from a number of privileges. In the past I have not done enough to challenge or change that for the good of those individuals and communities who do not benefit from the same priviledge.
Moving forwards, I commit to educate myself to support, amongst others, the BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and Disabled communities, and to take action in order to challenge systemic oppression in the following ways.
Learn more about life in the world as someone who experiences oppression in the world because of their race, religion, gender identity, sexuality or disability. Unlearn and unpack what I have been taught around these subjects and the prejudices I have carrier as a result. Continue to educate myself about these and other forms of oppression and the ways in which I can better challenge this.
As I continue my own journey of personal development and self education, acknowledge where and when I’ve gotten it wrong in the past and then take action by apologising, committing to doing better and then ensuring I do better.
Diversify my professional support network to ensure that my own privileges are checked regularly – not just by me but by external sources within the work that I do.
Provide a safe and non-judgmental therapeutic environment for all clients, as outlined within the BACP ethical framework, and seek supervision where I feel that my own unconscious prejudices or knowledge gaps are leading me to provide anything but the best service to my clients.
Recognise that some potential clients may wish to work with therapists who have first hand experience of the prejudices they personally face, and look to build a referral list of therapists who are Black, Indigineous or People of Colour, LGBTQ+, disabled and from a host of other backgrounds.
Champion fellow therapists, authors, speakers, theorists and businesswomen who identify as Black, Indigneous, People of Colour, LGBTQIA+ or Disabled.
Work harder to invest in marginalised communities. By the end of 2023 I aim to be spending at least 40% of my business outgoings with businesses owned by those who identify as disabled, LGBTQ+, Black, Indigneous or People of Colour.
Actively support Black and Indigneous communities, and other communities of colour, as well as the LGBTQIA+ and Disabled communities verbally and energetically within my work, and extend that support financially wherever possible.
To ensure that the Divine Feminist podcast and my work to encourage divine feminism is truly intersectional, ensuring that guests represent marginalised communities and that I open the dialogue to and for people whose experiences of life are different to my own.
Please note that this pledge will grow, develop and also be fleshed out with more detail as time goes on and my learning and unlearning continues. I also recognise that this process of learning is an ongoing one; please do not hesitate to get in touch if there's something critical that you think I'm missing or have wrong here.
My journey of education is ongoing, so this list will be updated as I read, listen and learn… All suggested additions and avenues for learning are also gratefully accepted.
Courses and workshopsWhy I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Renie Eddo Lodge
Natives by Akala
Gender Games by Juno Dawson
Gender Trouble by Judith Butler
The Body is Not An Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor
Activism and fundraising organisationsTherapists
Within this section of the page I will be adding details of a diverse range of therapists. If you are a BIPOC, LGBTQ+ or disabled therapist who would like to appear here, or know of a therapist who should be added to this list, please get in touch.
Therapy for Black Girls (USA)
Pink Therapy (UK)
RAD Remedy (USA)
Please note that I offer a safe and welcoming space to all potential clients. This list of therapists, however, offers alternative support for anyone wishing to work with a therapist from within BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ or Disabled communities.
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