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If you follow me on social media you may have gathered that the single most important girl in my life over the past decade has been Kali, my German Shepherd.
Kali is my other half and pretty much the mascot of my business, and though she left this earthly life in October 2022, she has played such an important part in my work over the years that it still feels only right to introduce her more fully.
From the earliest days of Kali's life she was a part of my business, curling up on the day bed behind me in the office if I spent too long in client sessions for her liking, gently tip-tapping around the wooden floor just outside of my workspace whenever I was recording... and not-so-gently announcing that the postman has arrived to anyone unlucky enough to be online with me at that time!
Kali was born in December 2011, the day after I first decided it was time for me to leave the world of full-time corporate work and follow the dreams of working for myself. In fact, I often tell people she was delivered to me exactly by the Universe, and here’s how…
A couple of months before she was born I’d created my first vision board, and on there put the perfect German Shepherd puppy. I knew I’d be leaving my job in December, so decided that I’d get Christmas out of the way first and then set the intention of my perfect puppy being ready for me in January.
Fast forward to mid-January and on the day I decided to start looking for my dog, I opened the local paper to find an advertisement for two German Shepherd puppies… I called the guy and arranged to visit the next night and it was completely and utterly love at first sight.
Ten days later, just before my birthday, I headed over to Washington in North East England to collect my beautiful puppy and spent that night wide awake and listening intently like a new mother just to make sure she was breathing.
Kali was – obviously – gorgeous, but she also had more personality than some of the people I know. She was very definite about the things she did (walks at the beach, our trips to the woods, fish, scrambled eggs and cuddles) and didn’t (celery, luminous clothes, fireworks, delivery people and window cleaners) like, and had a whole range of sounds to communicate to you exactly what she was thinking at any given moment.
She was also more than a little spoiled… with stacks of toys and a whole chair at my house with her name on it. I’d pretend I’m sorry about that but actually this self-confessed crazy dog lady is totally cool with anything that made my partner in crime smile!
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