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Are you ready to re-weave your story into one that shines with the radiance of your deepest power and wisdom?
So often our power can be buried beneath the labels, expectations, and over-told narratives that dim our inner light.
All too regularly, our wisdom seems to be drowned out by voices of criticism, persecution, and insecurity.
And for too much of our lives, so many of us have felt restricted, bound by chains that have had us fading into the background of our own lives rather than stepping into the position of heroine that was always meant to be ours?
Because the truth is that it’s not only our world that needs to change; our lives do too.
Our lives need a revolution.
Those revolutions come not from burning down and rebuilding everything around us, but from returning to the stories that have shaped our lives. The stories that are our lives.
They begin by shining a light on the stories we hold about ourselves, and re-weaving what we find there into something that truly serves our us. Something that serves our world and all of those that are to follow us.
Are you ready for the profound transformation that comes with re-weaving the story that is you?
For years now, I’ve been diving deep with stories of those women who have been buried, burned, and forgotten by history.
Along the way, I’ve uncovered the timeless truths hidden within those tales, illuminating a path to reclaiming not only their power and wisdom, but ours too:
In Lilith, I see the moments I too was demonised for daring to ask for more.
In Medusa, I recognise the times I was cast as a monstrous villain simply for protecting myself.
In the Morrigan I’ve heard the times my voice was called ugly because my truth wasn’t something others wanted to hear.
In Elen of the Ways I’ve understood that so many of my retreats weren’t acts of cowardice, but of grace and sovereignty.
And in Brigid I’ve discovered the stories of my own that couldn’t be buried, no matter how hard those seeking dominion over my mind may have tried.
Those Goddesses and their tales have shown me how to reweave my own story into one of courage, beauty, wisdom, grace and brilliance.
But, more than that, they’ve helped me show other women – clients across the world that I’ve been working with for over a decade now – how to do the same.
What I’ve learned in that time has a lot to offer you and your story too. From the challenges and criticisms that you’ve faced, the gifts you’ve kept hidden, and the pains and shames you’ve allowed to keep you small, it’s time to re-weave them all.
And in doing so, to unleash the radiant power and wisdom that sits within you and is waiting to change your life.
It's time to re-weave your own story and step boldly into the life you were brought here to live.
Join me for a six-month journey unlike any other, where we'll combine the wisdom of Spirit and deep mythology with modern insights and knowledge, including the deepest awareness you hold about yourself, and the insights I've gained in over a decade of supporting women across the world to more fully embrace their own power.
Want to know more?
Complete the form below to be amongst the first to know when the next Re-Weaving Your Stories course goes live.
Name *Email *The details
If you're anything like me, this programme might sound good, but you'll want to know the exact details before you commit.
So what does Re-weaving Your Story involve?
Six story weaving workshops
You'll enjoy six two-hour workshops of combined storytelling, teaching and mentoring throughout our time together – each of which will be live to allow opportunities for sharing, and recorded for anyone who can't attend live.
Access to our own online story cave
A private, online community space in which you can share your thoughts on and experiences with your own stories and on the material covered, together with any questions you have.
A weekly wisdom weave
Each week throughout our time together, you'll receive a voicenote or email from me aimed to support your own re-weaving process in relation to our journey together and the wider energies at play. These will shift and evolve during our time together as your own journey does the same.
Re-weaving prompts
You'll receive a monthly list of prompts supporting you to connect more deeply with your own story and the energies we're working with. You can work with these in the moment or carry them forward to support the ongoing journey that will unfold with your story long after our time together has come to a close.
Monthly journeys
Six meditative journeys into the Story Cave in which you can deepen your own experiences with the subjects we're working with, your connection with the energies guiding us, and actively support the energetic re-weaving of your own story.
Your HerStory Guide
At the start of our time together, you'll be connected with your own personal HerStory guide as I ask the HerStory tellers we'll be working with in Spirit to step in for each of us personally. You'll receive a small pack of materials connecting you to your own personal Guide-ess.
Four bonus sessions
During our time together you'll be invited to four further calls supporting you to take the relationship with your own HerStory to the next level, with details of those to follow very soon.
Ceremonial prompts
What good is a reclamation and re-weaving without something tangible to mark that shift? At the beginning, middle and end of our time together, you will have the opportunity to undertake powerful re-weaving ceremonies, with guidance to support you in creating those rituals provided.
Discounted 1:1 sessions
If you want to take your journey with this subject further still but don't know where to start, don't panic! All story weavers will receive a discounted rate to book blocks of five 1:1 sessions throughout the programme and beyond.
Further reading
As a geek who has been diligently studying this subject for years, I have quite the bookshelf of resources to share on this subject! I'll provide you will a full resources list to help take your journeying forward long after our time together is complete.
Sound like a lot? It could be, but that doesn't need to be the case.
Though our community space and the additional support provided will only last for the official duration of the programme, you will have access to all other materials forever. That means that you can take your time with Re-weaving Your Story, devoting only as much time and energy as you have available to this journey at any time.
As a participant, I've spent anything from two hours a month to ten hours a week on self-led journeys, so know the programme will meet you wherever you are and that anything you "miss" first time around can be returned to in your own time.
Though I’ve learned that every re-weaving takes its own unique form, the map as we set out for our journey will be as follows.
Month one: The introduction
We’ll start this process by really getting to know the person at the heart of your story:
You.But this won’t be your traditional journey of self-awareness. Instead through ritual, meditation and self-connection, we will talk directly to the heroine at the heart of your being and explore the many ways she has been kept bound, caged and compliant by a world that has been determined to show only one facet of her story.
Our aim this month? To see the fullness of the heroine at the centre of your story.Month two: The quest
Core to every good story is a quest – an outcome we are seeking, and trials that we must overcome on the way to find it.
In our second month together we’ll sit with all of that – with what Maureen Murdock called the “hunger” we feel in our own heroine’s journeys through life, and all of the challenges that we’ve faced on our path to that hunger, from vilifications, persecutions and so much more besides.
This is the time to get to know the villains in our stories, and to remember the treasure that’s worth tackling them for.
Month three: The descent
The great power of the feminine is so often found deep in the Underworld, accessible only to those with the courage and grace to venture into the darkness.
As we pass the middle point of our journey together we will honour our own descent into the darkness, shine a light on what we find there and consider the many ways
we're illuminated back into the world.Connecting more deeply than ever with the power of Gaia and the voices of the ancestral mothers that are waiting to speak with us, this month we’ll fortify ourselves with all that we need to move forwards in our journey.
Month four: The reclamation
So often it’s in the depths of the Underworld that we remember who we are, and find the shoots of a power we had long forgotten sprouting up to support us.
This month we’ll work with the idea of power in all of its forms – from the Divine Feminine archetypes that are ours to reclaim to the true Masculine that is waiting to support us.
And together, we will support one another to reclaim a unique blend of power that was always intended to be ours.
Month five: The rising
We emerge from the Underworld forever changed, and knowing that the next chapters of our lives will be told through the lens of our own wisdom and power.
Leaving those burdens that are no longer ours to carry deep in the Earth and supported by our very own team of allies from the Spiritual and physical realms alike, we emerge ready to claim the gifts and treasures that were always meant to add radiance to our journey through life, and put them right at the centre of our stories.
Month six: The crowning
Every story needs a powerful narrator and during the final month of our journey together, that’s a role you’ll take on for yourself as you claim sovereignty over your story and – just as powerfully – life.
In this final month of this journey we will look at the ways we carry forward all we have gained and learned in our time together to not only suffuse power and energy into every moment of the stories we live and create, but also to continually integrate the many parts of ourselves that emerge on our journey through life.
Together we will undertake our own coronation ritual as we make the commitments and vows that will guide the coming chapters of our newly re-woven stories.
Our HerStory Guides
Throughout this journey we will be supported by a sisterhood of potent HerStory Guides, including some of those energies most often known as Dark Goddesses.
Though each person enrolled on the course will be encouraged to connect with their own personal HerStory Guide from our support team, throughout our time we will be
working with powerful Goddess energies whose stories and experiences can help
to shift our own perspectives on life and the world at large.The choice of HerStory Guides for our journey are very much shaped by my own heritage and culture, and by those energies I work most closely with. However I am forever honoured and excited to work with any other figures who make themselves known to you during our time together.
Want to know more?
Re-Weaving Your Story will run again in 2025. Complete the form below to be amongst the first to know when the next Re-Weaving Your Stories course goes live.
Name *Email *Why choose me as your guide for this journey?
When you make the decision to embark upon a journey like this one, it's important to know that the guide is someone you can trust; someone who not only knows their stuff but can also hold you, your story, and everything those entail.
I come to this work as a qualified Counsellor and Coach, who has practiced with hundreds of clients across the world for over a decade. That experience has taught me that everyone has a deep and powerful story to work with, and I'm yet to meet anyone that I couldn't help to remember and reclaim the power and wisdom of that story in the most potent of ways.
Having studied all things personal development and feminine spirituality for over ten years, I've worked closely with some of the best-known teachers in the worlds of feminine magic and transpersonal psychology. My most recent qualification, an MSc (Master's in Science) in Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology, included a thesis presentation on the integration of inner masculine and feminine in women.
In short, I am an absolute geek for this subject and everything related to it!
Alongside all of that is the more spiritual side of what I do. I've been connecting with spirit my whole life, and consciously with the Goddess energies of this programme for almost two decades. In recent years I've become passionate about turning my talent as a storyteller to their stories, and at putting a new lens on the tales we've been told to share more about those who have been buried, burned, vilified and forgotten throughout the ages simply because they were powerful women.
The author of two books including 2021's The Divine Feminist, and host of a podcast of the same name, I'm passionate about supporting those who identify as women to return to a place of empowered balance and flow within themselves and their lives, in the hope that one day that can support our whole world to make the same, much-needed journey.
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